
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


We are pleased to share with you our data from the 2023-2024 academic year.

2023 - 2024 % of pupils achieving the expected level % of pupils achieving greater depth
All Disadvantaged  
Reading, writing and maths combined 27%


Reading 27% TBC 10%
Writing 31% TBC 4%
Maths 31% TBC 4%
Grammar, spelling and punctuation 21% TBC 6%


2023 - 2024
Average scaled score
A scaled score of 100 means a child is working at the expected level
All Disadvantaged
Reading   92 TBC
Maths 93 TBC


KS1 and KS2 progress scores cannot be calculated for academic years 2023/24 and 2024/25.  This is because there is no KS1 baseline available to calculate primary progress measures for these years due to the Covid-19 disruption.  This also means results broken down by prior attainment can also not be shown.  Attainment measures show how pupils have performed in tests and assessments but do not take pupils' starting points into account.

For more information, refer to the KS2 technical guidance.


Progress Score 22-23



Reading -2.3 -1.85
Writing 0.4 +0.04
Maths -2.5 -2.95


DfE message: Use 2022/23 school and college performance data with caution.  School performance data for the 2022/23 academic year should be used with caution given the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected individual schools and pupils differently.  School performance data should be considered alongside a range of other information about the school, which could include looking at school websites, reading Ofsted reports, and speaking to the school directly. Conclusions should not be drawn on a single piece of data alone.