Academy Day Timings
School starts at 8.40am and ends at 3.10pm
Registers open at 8.40am and close at 9.10am
Students at compulsory school age must have their attendance registered twice per day. Registration is carried out at the beginning of each day (9:00am) and immediately after lunch, using the electronic register. Teachers will only mark a child as absent or present.
If a pupil is marked as absent and no reason has been given over the phone by the parent or guardian, a telephone call or home visit will be carried out. If a child is late to school, you may still receive this call or visit.
If a child arrives at school after 9:10am, they will receive a U code (unauthorised absence mark) for the morning session. This will negatively affect their attendance and learning.
The Nursery morning session runs from 8.40am until 11.40am
The Nursery afternoon session runs from 12.10pm until 3.10pm
Breakfast club is available from 8.15am - 8.40am. An adult must stay with the child at all times.
Our kitchen team serve a range of breakfast items, ranging from 30p - 80p per item
A member of staff leads various activities to support home learning and wellbeing.