Behaviour & Rewards
At Oasis Fir Vale, we take a holistic approach to addressing children’s behaviour. We recognise that positive behaviour is promoted in a school environment within which children and staff experience relationships where they feel safe, listened to, cared for and respected.
At Oasis Academy Fir Vale, we always aim to be the very best version of ourselves that we can be. We expect every person to be able to make a valid contribution to society, know the difference between wrong and right, respect others and their differing beliefs and generally be good citizens in the modern world, with high aspirations for a successful life. There are obvious links here with SMSC and British values.
When conducting ourselves in the daily life of the school, we always strive to reach the top of the behaviour mountain, where we become superstar learners and achieve highly in all that we do.
In order for us to achieve to our highest level, at school we have 3 school rights which should be followed at all times:
The right to learn
The right to respect
The right to be safe
The Oasis 9 Habits
By learning about what each of these characteristics looks and feels like, we are aiming to ensure that every single person at Oasis Academy Fir Vale becomes the very best version of who they can be.
Addressing Behaviour
As a trauma informed school, we wholeheartedly believe in using the model of Regulate, Relate, Reason and Repair (Perry, 2020) when dealing with behaviour as a basis to structure and sequence responses:
When pupils follow the academy expectations and are the very best version of themselves, we ensure that all pupils are rewarded in a variety of ways from intrinsic, where pupils learn to feel good about themselves, to extrinsic, where pupils physically earn a reward.
As an academy, we provide a selection of short, medium, and long-term rewards so that pupils can earn rewards on a daily basis through to larger rewards such as visits out at the end of the year through the academy rewards week in July. Behaviour rewards link heavily to attendance rewards as we believe that these elements of school life are cohesive.