Parent Partnership
We want to get our parents and community involved in school life. We invite you to come to Academy events. We want to hear from you and how we can support our parents and children well.
Community Events
Throughout the year we host community events including a Winter and Summer Fayre.
These are fun events where we have games, food stalls and activities as well as stalls from community partners, such as health visitors, police and faith groups.
Summer Fayre
Celebration Assembly
We have regular celebration assemblies, parents will be invited to these as they occur.
Check out our fantastic Eid assembly.
Family Learning
We have regular activities and short courses such as our fantastic Phonics and Maths workshop and Book at Bedtime, which you can see below. Please look out for what is happening in our school newsletter or ask at the school office.
Parent Hub Support
You said, We did!
We really value hearing your suggestions, below are a few examples of how we have responded.
You said:
We are worried about children’s dental health.
We did:
Dental health Workshops and FREE toothbrushes and toothpaste given to all families and shared a step-by-step guide with QR codes to online resources.
You said:
Our children struggle with healthy food choices, especially at breakfast time.
We did:
Family Learning Workshops added to our yearly event timetable to include healthy plate resources.
Healthy food focus in food technology enrichment
You said:
Allow more flexible nursery sessions to include 2 and a half day sessions instead of 5 half days for families travelling further or working.
We did:
Nursery sessions now available as 5 half days or 2 and a half day sessions.
Real Project
Real- working in small nuture groups to help raise awareness of how families can work with their child to help raise early attainment in literacy. During the sessions we have weeks themes based on skills such as Pre writing skills, story telling, Early phonics, Importance of print, and a love for books. Each week we provide send home resources and share parental information sheets, to ensure parent feel empowered to support their child's learning at home.
We work together with Sheffield City Council Family Learning Team and provide opportunities for our families to take part in the classroom learning. These sessions are linked to our academy’s priorities as well as provide opportunities for our families to learn strategies used in school thus empowering families to support their children with home learning.
Phonics, Maths, Story telling, E-Safety, Dental Hygiene, Healthy Eating, 50 things to do before you are 5, Special Events e.g. Christmas/ EID/ Roma International Day Art & Crafts
Family Hub
These sessions’ aim is to support parents on the different activities ideas they can do at home with their child, for example mark making, making instruments, homemade jigsaws, puppets and craft. All activities will promote using resources families have at home, without additional cost.