
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


We make regular assessments of children’s learning, and we use this information to ensure that future planning reflects identified needs. Assessment in the Reception stage of learning is ongoing and is an integral part of the learning and development process.

Reception Baseline

This is an age-appropriate assessment of early mathematics and literacy, communication and language. It is delivered in English and is administered within the first six weeks of a pupil starting reception.  It will be used to create school-level progress measures for primary schools which will show the progress pupils make from reception until the end of key stage 2.

Phonics Screen

This is a short assessment to check how well each child can use the phonics skills they have learned in Reception and Year 1.  If children have not taken the test or not achieved the expected standard they take the test again in Year 2. 

Y4 Multiplication Check

The purpose of the check is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics.  It is an online test for pupils in Year 4. Pupils are asked to answer questions on times tables from two to 12.


At the end of key stage 2, children in Y6 take national curriculum tests in English grammar, punctuation and spelling, English reading and mathematics. The tests help measure the progress pupils have made and identify if they need additional support in a certain area. The tests are also used to assess schools’ performance and to produce national performance data. The tests are taken on set dates in May. 

National Curriculum assessments are a series of educational assessments, known as SATs.  They are used to assess the attainment of children attending schools in England. They comprise a mixture of teacher-led and test-based assessment depending on the age of the pupils.

SATs information for Parents

DfE Guidance

Multiplication Check Information  For Parents

Phonics Check

Reception baseline parent information

Reception Baseline Assessment: Privacy NoticeDfE Parent DocumentsPre-key stage standards: information for parents