Early Years Foundation Stage
We foster a harmonious atmosphere which supports and promotes self-esteem. We build confident communicators supporting every child as an individual across development in all areas of the Early Years and Foundation Stage. We help every child to grow up feeling confident about their own identity, in a spirit of friendship, understanding fairness and the rights of others, valuing diversity, and ready to be a British citizen.
We want our children to:
- Experience the joy of discovering new things
- Develop a thirst for learning through interesting, play based activities
- Develop communication skills to enable them to express themselves
- Develop positive relationships, understand their emotions and learn to self- regulate
- Develop learning skills to enable them to be successful in their educational journey and beyond
- Experience the natural environment outside and access learning on a larger scale
To achieve the above, we have designed a bespoke curriculum, based on the principles of the Early Years Statutory Framework, which is carefully matched to our unique context. It is driven by first-hand experiences and language development. It is ambitious as it aims to address social disadvantage by removing barriers to learning and raising aspirations. This is achieved by widening the children’s experiences. This is coupled with opportunities to acquire vocabulary, knowledge and skills in context.
The subjects we cover in our Curriculum include the following:
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
We want our parents and carers to feel involved and value when it comes to their child's education, therefore we frequently provide information to parents about the learning that is happening and planned for their child’s future. We do this through displays, newsletters, discussions, social media, class dojo and using the school website as a platform. We also ask parents to celebrate and share their child’s successes they notice with us to.
Through our education we offer in our Early Years Setting, we are preparing pupils for a lifetime of learning and getting them ready for the rest of their lives. This is what our parents have to say about our setting:
Family Feedback in English
Family feedback in Roma
What our parents say... 
"I want to inform other parents that I am very satisfied with the school my children attend. Oasis Academy Fir Vale children like the teachers very much. I also have no exacerbations about this school, on the contrary, I am satisfied".
"Kamavas by tumen le rodicen te informinel pal kada, kaj me som fejst spokojno kajaha skolaha o Oasis Academy Fir Vale. Savore mire cavore phiren andre kaja skola, mire cavore rado dikhen savoren o ucitela so len sikaven.
Nane man zadne pochybnosti pal kaja skola. So kludne saj thoven he tumen tumare cavore andre kaja skola.
Me som fejst spokojimen.
Palikerav savorenge", Eric B's mum
"I remember the first day Shanaya started school at Oasis Academy Fir Vale. I was very worried about her; if she will settle in, if she will makes some friends, if the teachers will be nice to her. But after one week I could see Shanaya wanted to be in school with friends that she made, everyday. Shanaya has learned a lot since she started going to Nursery. I can recommend this school to other parents".
"sar gelas e shanaja andre skola perviras ta daravas ci peske zvikninla ci avna kelate ocavore laces sar ucitelky ale som akanak rado hoj peske zviknindzas hin la he kamaratky he laci citelky som spokojno sar la ucinel but veci pes ucindzas 😀sar otporucinav he avrenge rodicenge kaja skola", Shanaya's mum
EYFS Planning
- Nursery Curriculum Overview
- Nursery Knowledge Organisers
- Reception Curriculum Overview
- Reception Knowledge Organisers
- Maths Coverage
- Poetry Plan Basket