
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Home Learning

Welcome to our home learning webpage. Please use our range of online platforms as well as home learning menus to support your child's learning. We also have a "take home" area in our school library, where children can choose books to take home.


Take home books corner, if you would like your child to take home a book to read, please ask a member of staff.

Home Learning Menus

Access myON

myOn is a personalized digital library that gives students access to more than 7,000 enhanced digital books.

If you do not know your child's login details, please ask the class teacher.

Access TT Rock Stars

You can access TT Rock Stars at, or scan the QR code. 

This is a website where your child can play maths games to improve their times tables and numeracy.

If you do not know your child's login details, please ask the class teacher.


TT Rock Stars Guide

Roma - TT Rock Stars

Arabic- TT Rock Stars

Somali - TT Rock Stars

Some further online maths resources can be found here:



We teach phonics using the Book Wings Scheme and we aim to teach a range of sounds every week. Here is the list of sounds we teach within the scheme. Each sound is linked to a book that your child will read in class. Please ask your class teacher for a list of sounds that your child has learnt this week.

Click image below for Phases 2,3 and 5 sounds:


Bookwings - How to say each sound, Phase 5

Bookwings - How to say each sound, Phase 2

Bookwings- How to say each sound, Phase 3

Common Exception Words

Common exception words are words that do not follow the common phonetic spelling rules that children learn in year 1 and year 2. Many of these exception words are used frequently, hence the use of 'common' in the name. Children are normally introduced to common exception words in their first year of primary school.

Here is the list of “common exception words” to practice 





Login to Seesaw here:

What is Seesaw?

Seesaw is a secure online learning journal to record photos, videos, observations and comments, in line
with the Early Years curriculum. It allows us to work with parents and carers to share information and
record the learning journey of each child, sharing observations from provision inside the classroom and
outdoor area. We will be using Seesaw to share ‘Wow Moments’ with you and to build up a record of
your child’s experiences during their time with us in reception. Seesaw creates a lovely journal of work
for you to look back on and share with your child.

How does Seesaw work?

Seesaw provides each individual child with their own learning journal and they will be taught how to
add things into their journal using a QR code. You will also receive your own log-in where you can
comment on posts which are shared.

How can I view my child’s Learning Journals?

You will be issued with an email link to activate your account. Once activated, you can submit your own
observations from home. This might be a new achievement, new interest, or exciting event! You may
also wish to share the little things your child says to demonstrate their understanding of a topic,
including misconceptions which make you smile! You will see your child’s observations on your home
screen in a list – selecting any one of these will open the observation for you to look at. You may add
comments in the box at the bottom of the observation if you would like to.